Marissa Mayer Rolls Out Google-Inspired Perks at Yahoo

All eyes have been on Marissa Mayer since she was appointed CEO of Yahoo, and in the latest round of news, it seems she’s brought some perks inspired by those at her old Google gig. Can the new additions rev up employee engagement?

Kara Swisher at All Things D reports that Mayer added an all-hands meeting each week on Friday afternoon, just as Google has had for years. She also made all food at the URLs Cafe in Yahoo’s Silicon Valley office free. And that’s not all, as Swisher writes:

And, several sources note, Mayer is also prepping major changes to the layout of the work spaces and buildings of Yahoo to make it feel more collaborative and cool, as well as upgrading swag in its stores.

“It might just be a small thing, but people are thrilled,” a Yahoo employee told Swisher when asked about the free food.

Investors and the tech world at large all have high expectations for Mayer, and for her to pull off a large-scale turnaround, she’ll need a full workforce of motivated employees who are dedicated to improving Yahoo’s core products. While perks are just part of the employee engagement equation, they may be just what staffers need after months of layoffs, declining market share and turnover.

What do you think about the Google-inspired perks Marissa Mayer has instituted at Yahoo?

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(Photo credit: Cytech/Flickr)